Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Urban Revolution

Here is a logo I came up with which was inspired by the articles I have been reading in Metropolis magazine; a progressive, contemporary hodge - podge of architecture, design, art and cultural happenings from around the world. I wanted to design a logo that was inspired by not only the greater movement to build green but the desire to see change in my own neighborhoods of Macalaster - Groveland and Frogtown, Saint Paul, MN. I have a deep passion to not only work in this area after graduation but to participate and contribute creatively in the evolution of the twin cities by designing for a better world. This logo in particular is another made-up company of mine. Theoretically The Urban Renewal Project would be a company directly located and involved in the community by offering design solutions to the average homeowner as well as the government or corporate complex. Idealy a company like Urban Renewal would be the catalyst to a revolution in urban building and sustainable design.

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